The Universe is made up of energy which vibrates at different rates. We as humans, our animals, and nature are also comprised of electromagnetic energy. Rei-ki means Spiritual energy or universal life - force energy, there for Reiki works on a holistic level, affecting our energies physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Reiki is non invasive and as most of you have experienced with me, it has shown you how you can stimulate relaxation within your body and mind. We recognise many sounds as healing, through vibrations such as music, musical instruments, and throughout history the Drum especially has been used by our ancestors as a healing tool for thousands of years.
Combining the Reiki and the drum together utilises the drum into bringing the Reiki energy into your energy field, allowing the release of deep tensions and bringing in peace and relaxation.
Spiritually the vibrations of the Drum encourage mental and emotional balance bringing in harmony, and enabling us to reach our true spiritual selves.
We have 7 main Chakra points in our body and numerous minor ones. Our Chakras are part of our energy systems and are our "wheels of energy". Each Chakra has an opening which takes in universal life energy and distributes the energy to the body and specific organs. If the energy becomes blocked the Chakra will slow down and a person can feel depleted, leading to illness.
The Crown Chakra - when out of balance this may cause health problems such as lack of self - awareness which at times can lead to depression, fibromylgia, frustration and skin conditions such as eczma.
The Brow Chakra (The Third Eye) - when out of balance this may cause health problems such as fatigue, lack of drive and lack of interest in life.
The Throat Chakra - when out of balance this may cause health problems such as the inability to verbally express oneself to others due to fear of inadequacy, heart problems due to a build up of suppressed emotions, digestive problems and bowel problems.
The Heart Chakra - when out of balance this may cause health problems such as emotional confusion, repeated coughs, colds, chest infections and respiratory problems such as asthma.
The Solar Plexus Chakra - when out of balance this may cause poor sleeping problems, stress and anxiety, fear and lack of confidence.
The Sacral Chakra - when out of balance this may cause a person to experience any number of issues such as kidney problems, back pain and sexual health problems.
The Base or Root Chakra - when out of balance may cause and individual to experience back pain including sciatica, varicose veins, water retention, constipation, diarrhoea, problems with the immune system and phobias.
When our Chakras are out of balance it can cause an individual to experience any number of health problems or issues such as digestive and bowel problems, sleeping problems, stress and anxiety, depression, repeated coughs, colds and chest infections and back pain.
Crystal Chakra healing can be very powerful and you may feel you have just woken up from a deep sleep. You may also experience dreams, sensations and other feelings through a treatment.
When you combine Reiki and drumming this creates the Reiki Drum Healing Technique, which by using the drum and introducing the Reiki energy into one's energy field this creates a deep relaxation, releasing tensions and achieving homeostasis.
On a physical level drumming has shown to alter the neuro endocrine and immunological response in a person bringing peace and relaxation.
Research has shown that cortisol levels and blood pressure readings have positively changed, and that drumming also helps with the production of endorphins which assists in pain control.
On a Spiritual level, the vibrations from the drum bring about mental, emotional and spiritual energy bodies to realign and chakras to become balanced, which result in emotional and mental harmony.